The Science Behind Microdosing

Lorenzo Bown
 min read
Microdosing has been gaining popularity in recent years as a means of enhancing various aspects of one's life.
James Fadiman, a psychologist and author of “The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide,” conducted one of the largest microdosing studies to date using citizen science methods. The results of his study were impressive, and they showed a wide range of positive benefits from microdosing.
Here is a rundown of the key findings:

1. Increased creativity and productivity: Many participants reported feeling more creative and productive after microdosing. This was especially true for tasks that required imaginative thinking or problem-solving.

2. Improved mood and reduced anxiety and depression: Participants reported feeling happier, less anxious, and less depressed after microdosing. They also reported feeling more connected to others and the world around them.

3. Enhanced focus and mental clarity: Participants reported feeling more focused and clear-headed after microdosing. They felt that they were able to concentrate better and work through difficult tasks more easily.

4. Increased empathy and sociability: Participants reported feeling more empathetic and sociable after microdosing. They felt that they were able to better understand and connect with others, and that they were able to communicate more effectively.

5. Improved physical and athletic performance: Participants reported improved physical performance after microdosing, including increased endurance and better coordination. Some athletes reported improved athletic performance and better reaction times.

In addition to James Fadiman’s study, there have been other reports of positive benefits from microdosing, including improved self-esteem and confidence, enhanced sense of well-being and reduced stress, improved relationships and communication with others, increased intuition and spiritual connection, and improved sleep and decreased symptoms of PMS. These results are especially noteworthy because they show how microdosing may be advantageous in a variety of contexts. These findings are encouraging and indicate that microdosing could be a helpful tool for people looking to improve various aspects of their lives, even though more study is required to completely understand how the effects of microdosing work.

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